What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy?


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on session for the whole body.  During the session the client is fully clothed and lies on a massage table. The practitioner’s touch is light and still.  The session supports the settling of the nervous system and the inherent health of the whole being.  The nervous system is vital since it affects all of the body’s functioning. It constantly sends and receives information.

Biodynamic Craniosacral practitioners understand how an optimally functioning healthy nervous system performs.  We train for years to fine tune perception skills so that we can perceive subtle physiological changes.  We are also aware of the energetic map that underlies one‘s basic health and symptomology.  We believe that health is never lost no matter what the ailment.  We use our ability to identify the parts of the nervous system that are not functioning optimally and our awareness of the “always available health” in the body to assist the system in bringing itself back into balance. This supports greater ease and helps the body decrease and resolve symptoms.

Start a new relationship with yourself with biodynamic craniosacral therapy.