Nancy Siegel MS PT, RCST®


I invite people of all ages, races, identities, genders, abilities, incomes, and backgrounds to my practice. I am passionate about supporting embodiment practices as a pathway towards healing and self-awareness.

As a registered biodynamic craniosacral therapist with the North American Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association, I hold an Advanced Biodynamic Diploma (International Association of Biodynamic Trainings). In addition, I have over 5000 hours of additional training in the Healing Arts, Birth Psychology and Physical Therapy.

I completed my Biodynamic Craniosacral Training with Anna and John Chitty at The Colorado School of Energy Studies. Additionally, I have been deeply inspired in in my work by Ray Castellino and William Emerson. I currently work as a senior tutor with Body Intelligence, a biodynamic craniosacral therapy school.  

My years of practice as a physical therapist adds depth and understanding to my craniosacral approach. I have a masters degree in physical therapy, and have worked in that field for 20 years.. I am able to bridge allopathic and more holistic approaches to health as a result of my training and experience. In addition, I bring a deep and sensitive presence to my clinical work from my practice with an inquiry process.

Chat with me

I am glad to talk with you about your interest in biodynamic craniosacral therapy. Please reach out! 206-450-9886

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.